When I got up this morning I saw that someone had sent a message to GOD’s Archers.  I clicked on the message and read it, all it said was, “Jesus Christ is my Saviour”  no more and no less.  To be honest, the message caught me off guard, but it was a good surprise.  A very good surprise.  I thought about how to reply all morning, and then this afternoon I responded.  I thanked the man for sending me that message, and I asked him to send that same message to a few other people.  I told him that I would do the same.  Time is getting short, and if there is one message that people need to hear, above all the other words is that Jesus Christ is the Saviour.  He is Lord.  Many people are dealing with hurt and with hate, we as Christians have to spread the message of Love and hope more than ever before.  We have to be willing to proclaim Christ to all people, and it cannot stop with just having a willingness to, we have to have follow through as well.  Christ told us to share the gospel, which is the good news, and today many people really need to hear some good news.  What better news is there than that of Christ’s resurrection?  I am very thankful to have received that message this morning, it got me thinking to say the least.  What could be a better way to encourage fellow believers and hopefully start a conversation with unbelievers than to boldly state, “Jesus Christ is my Saviour!”?  Now, I want to ask you who are believers already to message people, or call, text, however God leads you to do it, and tell them these five words, “Jesus Christ is my Saviour!”  This can and will plant seeds in the lives of those who are lost, and it will encourage fellow believers who may be dealing with some hard times right now.  Just think of the smile that you could put on God’s face just by boldly claiming and clinging to His only begotten Son.  “So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies me before man, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.”  Matthew 10:32-33 ESV.  We need to stand bold for Christ.  He has saved us from our sins, and now we need to share this news with others so that they can also acknowledge Christ and confess that He is Lord.  God Bless!