Last night there was a blood moon. It was not a normal blood moon as we have had in the last year or so, as the red was lighter, and there was a sliver of another color, it was white or gray if I recall correctly. In the Old Testament, and probably still today, blood moons are not considered good by the Jewish people. They were treated as warnings from God concerning a coming judgement. The Bible says that God does not change, so it would make sense that God was warning America and the other places that the blood moon appeared about coming judgement. Now, that moon had a sliver of another color besides red while it was a blood moon. We can think about it as though there is yet a sliver of hope left. Hope is not gone for America, but it is fading quickly. As Christians we have to speak up and stand up for what we believe in. Though our message may be unpopular, we still need to send our message out. We need to be growing closer to God everyday. Time is short, and God has warned us of coming judgement. As Christians we are watchmen as it is described in Ezekiel, and as such we have to warn those that God has put in our lives. We cannot stand idly by and remain quiet, or the blood of many will be on our hands. Christians cannot afford to be cowards, fearful of offending someone for proclaiming Christ. We need to preach God’s Word to a lost and dying generation. We need to speak as God would have us to speak and we have to ask God for guidance. We have to ask Him to guard our mouths so that we speak as we ought, and remain still when we need to. We have to rely on God as we live for Him, we have to pray often and be in His Word daily. God’s Word is our compass that will guide us in the way we should go. “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105 NIV. We have to show our light to others so that they will turn and follow the light of God’s Word. We cannot hide our light, or we will have no reward in heaven. We have to be willing to lay it all on the line for Christ, just as He did for us. God Bless!