It is smart to have a savings account. Trying to save at least part of your money can help for rainy days or for whatever may come. God wants us to have a savings account in Heaven, sort of. God wants us to lay up treasures in Heaven. When we get saved God wants us to begin to live for His will and for His glory. He wants to be able to reward us as His children for what we have done for Him. God wants us to love others as we do ourselves and seek to share Christ with all people that we come in contact with. God wants us to love Him with all that we are. God wants for us to grow closer to Him each and every day. We need to be growing closer to Him, there is not hope outside of Christ, but within Christ there is not only hope, but hope that we can be sure of. We can know that God is in control and have peace. Because we know that God is in control, it can give us the confidence to live for Him and lay up treasures in Heaven. We can work for a prize that is far better than anything down here, and that is knowing that we have pleased our Heavenly Father and sought to win souls for the Lord. There is also an actual reward that we will receive for living for God and trying to share His Word, and I believe that we should desire that reward. Who wouldn’t want to receive a reward from God Himself, who has already given us so much? Who wouldn’t want to know they lived and did their best to proclaim the good news? Who wouldn’t want to live in such a way that would please God after He gave His Son to save us? It is smart to have a savings account for the days ahead, and it is also good to live in such a way that you will be rewarded for what you did for the sake of Christ. “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24. God Bless!