“When the earth and all its people quake, it is I who hold its pillars firm.” Psalm 75:3.  God is in control, no matter what happens, He will not be removed from His throne.  I’ve wondered before that maybe when it feels like our world is falling apart around us, if that isn’t God closing His hand over us to protect us from what the devil really wants to attack us with.  God will not forsake us, or leave us to our own devices.  He will keep us safe, and He will give us the strength to continue to follow His will for our lives.  It can be really easy to be discouraged by what we see on social media and from news stations.  Yet, even through the abortions, the rioting, the looting, etc., God is still in control.  He allows these things to happen for a time, but there will come a judgement.  God will protect us so that we may proclaim His name and the name of His Son to all we come in contact with.  People need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, Whom died for our sins and rose back to life so that we could be forgiven and granted eternal life.  This message is not popular, but it needs to be heard above all others.  As Christians we will be called a lot of different names for our faith, but if we can at the very least plant a seed in someone else, it will be worth it no matter what we endure.  We need to tell others about our sure salvation and foundation in Christ, so that they too can stand on the sure foundation when their world seems to be crashing down around them.  So that they may run into the fortress of God and stand on the Rock higher than anything else, the One that will not fail or falter.  We cannot be afraid of what others will think of us, we have to rely on God’s strength to say what needs to be said, and to do what He would have us to do.  God Bless!