What do you call exciting?  Many may think of parties or drugs.  Some may think of something more along the lines of going to amusement parks.  Maybe racing, or catching that big bass.  Some may enjoy getting to go hunting and spending time in God’s country.  I particularly like the last two.  For me, I do love the outdoors, no matter what it is I can enjoy my time being in God’s creation.  There is something more exciting than going hunting or fishing for me though, and that is to see people come to Christ.  I love hearing about people getting saved, being forgiven of sin, being adopted into the family of the Heavenly Father.  Whether they are little kids, teenagers, adults, or seniors, there is something about seeing someone or hearing about someone getting saved.  I hadn’t been on my phone much today and when I got back to the house this evening, I saw that a young man I know, that I’ve met a few times and shot archery with got saved today.  He was at a tournament and another good friend of mine got to lead this young man to the Lord.  There is nothing more beautiful in this world than the gospel of Christ.  Knowing that despite our sin, our flaws, and our failures, God Loves us.  God Loves us so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die and take the punishment for our sin so that we don’t have to receive the punishment we earned.  Jesus died on a cross for us, and on the third day He rose back to life so that if we will confess Him as Lord, ask God to save us and forgive us, and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, we will be saved from punishment.  We will be given eternal life with God.  This is the greatest gift in the world, and all we have to do is receive it.  We have to accept it before it is too late, but why would someone put it off?  God Loves you, why wait to know His Love?  “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  John 3:16.  God Bless!