“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”  Isaiah 43:19.  Our dog passed away yesterday evening and I told Mom that the time I normally would feed him I would use to read on top of when I read in the evenings.  I know that one chapter in my life has been written, and now I’m turning the page to see what God has next.  I know that through my dog’s passing that God is making a way in the desert.  God is causing streams to spring up in the wasteland.  It just so happens that it’s a lot easier for me to look at the wasteland instead of the stream.  We all do that to an extent with various circumstances we face.  It is hard to look at the positive side of things when we grieve or when we go through a trial or temptation.  Yet, no matter how bad the surroundings look, or how they feel for that matter, God will still be with us.  His grace will be sufficient for us and He will guide us in the right direction.  We have to turn to His Word and be willing to follow Him.  We have to open ourselves up to Him.  Occasionally we have to be broken to open up to Him as we should, and it is sad that we as people are that way. Yet, God will mend our brokenness, and He will fill us with His grace.  He will help us as we go along so that we may glorify Him and so that we will focus on Him.  He will bring so much more good out of a bad situation than what we give Him credit for, and I praise Him for that.  He is a good, good Father, Who Loves His children, and wants to help us do what is right in His sight, which should be the goal of every believer.  He will clear a path for us to follow, and it will be straight.  God Bless!