“One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice.”  Luke 17:15.  There were ten lepers that Christ healed, but only one came back to praise Him.  We as Christians have been healed from sin, we are washed clean, redeemed, purified, we are made new in Christ and made a co-heir with Him.  We are adopted by God.  Yet how often do we stop to praise Him?  Let me ask a little bit deeper question, would you have been the one who came back to praise, or part of the other nine who went on?  We really need to strive and to do our best to be like the one who praised God.  We need to praise our Lord, if we are not joyful in Him our witness will not have a good affect, but when we display the joy of the Lord, that only the Lord can provide then people will want to know what makes us so joyful.  If we do not praise Him, then even the rocks will cry out, I have made my choice.  I will stand and praise the name of my Lord, here is one less stone, and one more voice, one more to praise Him.  There is a friend of mine that I haven’t seen in a while that wrote a song talking about, “here is one less stone, and one more voice, one more to praise Him!”  God has been so good to us, if you have breath in your body that is reason to praise Him.  So let me ask again, and I will ask myself this from here on out, would you have returned to praise Him?  God Bless!