We have all heard about God opening doors and closing doors.  The Bible talks about it in several different places, a few of which actually have to do with prophecy.  When we pray about God opening doors, we usually ask just that, that He would open a specific door, that He would make a way to something specific.  Sometimes Christians fail to remember to pray for God’s Will to be done, and I’m guilty of it too, I’ve done it, so please don’t misunderstand me.  However, I believe that when we are asking God to open a door, we should pray something to the affect of, “Lord, please open the door that You want me to walk through, and nothing else so that I won’t be tempted, close all of the doors that You want closed and do not let me get hit by those doors.  Don’t let me chase after a path that You did not set before me.  God please help me to not try to pry open a door You have shut and waste the valuable time which You have given me, and Father please give me the wisdom to walk through the door You open so that I will give You the glory.  Lord, Your will be done, I want You to receive the glory, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.”  This is something similar to what I try to pray when it comes to deals, archery opportunities, and whatever else comes along.  I try to constantly pray for God’s Will to be done even when it doesn’t line up with what I want.  His Will is far better than mine, He has a plan better than I could imagine, and I do not want to stand in the way.  I don’t want to waste time chasing after things that are not included in His Will.  When Jesus taught the disciples to pray, the very first thing He said was, “This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”  Matthew 6:9-10.  Now we are to tell God the desires of our heart, we are to pray for healing and we are to pray for others.  We have to have faith in God when we pray these things and we should pray fervently, but there will be times when our will does not align with His.  There may be a time a healing doesn’t come or doesn’t come the way you would like.  There may be a time that the desire of your heart doesn’t come to fruition, and for these things God has a purpose.  He was shutting a door you hoped that He would allow you to walk through, but in that moment, He was opening or preparing another door for you.  He was moving a mountain that you could not see yet, but you will see it one day and glorify God for it.  He will give you the grace to endure, He will give you the hope and strength you need, not founded upon quicksand, but on the Solid Rock.  God Bless!