“At Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” 1 Kings 3:5. So, if God asked you this same question, what would you say? Would you ask for wisdom, would you ask for God to make you merciful and forgiving, or would you ask for patience? Would you perhaps ask for your whole family to go to heaven? Would you ask God to make you into a more faithful servant? Would you ask God to help you to study more or pray more in line with His will? I can’t tell you for sure what I would ask God for, but I think I know. For the next week, I want you to really concentrate on what you would ask God for, it can be multiple things as well. As you think on these things, I want you to really begin to pray fervently for God to give you these things. God wants us to tell Him the desires of our heart. He wants His Children to desire these things, and I believe He will provide them. Now, I’m not saying that if you ask for a material object or a big business deal that you will get it, although God can and has certainly provided those things. Yet, if you ask God to help you to Love more like Christ, or to study His Word more, He will most certainly help you with these things. So again I ask you, if God appeared to you and asked what you wanted, what would your reply be? God Bless!