I saw where someone had written in a notebook, “God’s still writing your story, stop trying to steal the pen, trust the author.”  So often we have everything planned out, we know exactly what we are going to do, or so we think.  Often times we count our chickens before they hatch, or in other words, we make plans too far ahead of schedule.  We try to take the pen from the One who is writing our story.  God knows what He is doing.  He has a plan for our lives and He wants us to trust Him.  He wants us to follow the path He puts us on.  His Word will be a light on our path, it is a lamp for our feet.  A lamp doesn’t light up the entire trail, only a little bit.  Sometimes God doesn’t allow us to see the full picture, and that is for our own good.  He just wants us to know that He will bring good out of any situation we face whether we like the situation or not.  God is bigger than the situation and He helps us to be people that can face a situation knowing that we can get through it by His grace.  God will help us to do His Will.  His will is greater than ours, although we can’t always see it.  His ways are high above our own, this is why we can be awestruck when just thinking about what all He has done.  We have seen what He has done in the past, and we can trust Him to write out our future the way it needs to be.  “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”  Isaiah 30:21.  We need to make sure that we keep our ears on the Lord, both physical and spiritual.  He will guide us, He writes a new page in our story everyday.  The best part of our story is that it is not our own, it is part of God’s Story and it is so much bigger than us. God Bless!