Organ Failure is a very serious problem. I’ve got a friend with congestive heart failure, and he has to take a lot of precautions, wear a heart monitor, and make several doctor appointments a year over this one condition alone. Each part of the body has a special role, and I don’t have to explain the role of the heart, but the role of the heart, just that one part of the body, affects everything else within the body. As Christians, we are one body in Christ, Christ is the head and we are the members. When we work together in unity, when we love and serve together, the body is healthy. When we put Jesus first, and we follow His ways and commands, the body is healthy. Yet, when we begin to bicker and quarrel, the body is weakened. The immune system goes down and is subject to outside pollutants such as the attacks of Satan. Organs may begin to fail. We each have our special role in Christ. Paul wrote, “and do not give the devil a foothold.” Ephesians 4:27. When we do not accept our role in Christ, when we envy someone else’s role, it harms the whole body of Christ. God gave you a role, He gave me a role, our roles may be similar, or the only thing they have in common may be the proclamation of the gospel. Some people God calls to be teachers, and some preachers, some are to be pastors, shepherds of part of the flock. Some are to be missionaries, but whatever the role, each member of the body of Christ is to serve Christ. We are to lift His Name high, He is the head, He is above everything else, and I’m sure there is more to Christ being the head that I haven’t learned yet. I do not say this to build your ego or my ego, but God chose you for a special job, He wanted you, of all people that have existed, to perform a certain task for His sake. It is our job to pray and seek God’s Will, it is our job to study God’s Word and learn as much as we can so that we can complete the task more efficiently. God will equip us for the good work He wants us to do, but part of the equipment He gives us is His Word, use it. Use it for encouraging others, for building up the body of Christ, do not use it to tear others down. Use it for preparing yourself, for training in righteousness, so that you can work with all the other members of the body of Christ. Do not give the devil a foothold to bring you down, or a foothold that would cause division in the body of Christ. Be careful, be rooted and built up in Christ, do not dig your roots into money, into pleasure, or anything else of this world because it will fade. Be rooted in Christ, connected with the other members of the body, so that the body of Christ may be unified under one cause. Christians are cleansed by the blood of Christ and we live to proclaim that cleansing. God Bless!