When someone sends you a Friend Request on Facebook, you have to choose to accept or decline, it is as simple as that. If you wait to accept that request, then you are basically declining the request. God will draw a person to salvation, He will present you with a choice, you can confess that Jesus is Lord and Savior, or you choose to not confess Him. God wants to save you from your sin. God is holy, and our sin is just the opposite. God is a righteous Judge, and He will punish sin. God is also merciful, and He does not want to have to punish His creation. So God made a way, He sent His Son to take our punishment, so that justice for sin would be served, and so that we would not receive our just punishment. Jesus, God’s Son, lived a sinless life in human flesh, but He was put to death as a criminal. When He was on the cross He took our sin upon Himself. He died, but rose again three days later so that we could have eternal life. We deserve eternal death, separation from God in hell, but in Christ we can have eternal life with our Creator. All we have to do is accept Christ into our life. It is easy to do, confess that Jesus is Lord and Savior, ask God to save you and forgive your sins, and believe in your heart that God raised Christ from the dead. Every minute that you wait is another moment that you are saying no to Him. We are not promised to see tomorrow, so why put off accepting Christ? Our good deeds can’t save us, those are not what put us on trial before God anyway, but in Christ, we can receive God’s pardon. God Loves you, and does not want to punish you, but you must make the choice to accept or deny His Son, nobody else can choose for you. “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23. God Bless!