“Why, LORD, do you stand far off?  Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?”  Psalm 10:1.  Sometimes we feel like God isn’t there or He isn’t listening, but this isn’t the case.  God is not ignoring us, He does not abandon us, but, is a teacher not quiet during the test?  When you took a test in school, the teacher did not talk loudly, rather he or she was often quiet, and said little or nothing at all.  Sometimes during the test God wants to see what we will do when we face a trial.  He may want to see if we will turn to Him, or if we will turn away when we face pressure before He steps in and saves the day, if you will.  God uses trials for a test, to test our faith, our trust, our endurance, different things that play a part in our relationship with God.  These tests help us to see what we need to work on in our walk with Christ.  Nobody is perfect, we all have something we need to work on in order to follow Christ more effectively.  God uses these tests to show us areas for improvement, and also to show us how far He has already brought us.  God can take you farther than you could imagine, use you in ways that are amazing, and He uses these tests to help you along the way.  When we come to these tests, we need to make sure that we pass exceptionally well, not just barely get by.  God Bless!