“He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.” Daniel 2:21. Today we have seen another election day, and although we will not know the results as soon as we normally would due to some extended voting, we can still be confident in this, whichever candidate is elected, God has allowed for that person to be elected. God raises up kings, and He removes kings. We will see who it is that God will allow to be in office. Tonight, I’m not going to talk about who I voted for or anything like that, but, I want to ask each of you to continue praying over this election, and for both candidates. My prayer tonight is this, “Father, I come to you this night and ask for Your blessing on this election. Dear God I pray that your will be done. I pray that the candidate who wins is the one You would have between the two. I pray your hand of protection over them and their family, I pray that through this election many will come to know Your Son as Lord and Savior. God, I know that You can use any circumstance for Your glory, and I pray that Your Name will be lifted higher in this election than in those of the past. Father guide us in Your will. You are still King, You are still God, and You are still the Redeemer no matter who is sworn into office for the next four years. I pray for peace, unity, and salvation in this country, I pray that you will help Your Children to follow your guidance and that they will shine their light for You. I give this election to you, I’ve done my part, and I give the results to You. Help me to give You control of what was already in Your Hands Father. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” God Bless You!