We need to get our rest physically. Our bodies need rest after working, our bodies need rest in order to heal, and children need rest for growing. We also need rest spiritually. We need to make sure that we are spending time in God’s Word learning and being refreshed by it. These are the last days, and Satan will throw all he can at Christians. In order for us to stay strong and stand firm for Christ, we need to be refreshed by God’s Word, and we need to rest in Him. So, what do I mean by rest in Him? Well, for me personally, it helps to get off by myself and just start thanking God for various things, open myself to feel the Spirit of God move. For me resting in God is praise, singing, thanking Him as I mentioned a second ago, various things that get my mind focused solely on His goodness, His peace, and His control. When my mind is on God, and He alone, my soul can be refreshed to face whatever may come. Sometimes God will use my time in the woods to give me peace and rest. This evening was a great example of that, I did not see a single deer, but I was on top of this smaller ridgeline and I had an amazing view. When I got up there I was out of breath, but God sent a very well received cool breeze, and it was just peaceful. I got to see a few squirrels playing around, it was just a beautiful evening. This is one way I can be refreshed in God, because on top of that hill was a good place to pray. There are several ways to rest in God, but for me personally it all comes back to praise and fellowship. “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:29. God Bless!