With it now being August many deer hunters are getting anxious.  Deer season is right around the corner, and many cannot wait to get in the woods, whether they get a deer or not, many just want to feel the cool weather and experience God’s creation.  This is how we as Christians should long for the return of Christ.  We should be looking for Christ to return any minute, and we should desire to see our Savior.  We should be longing for our heavenly home.  Yet, while we are waiting, we need to be preparing.  Hunters have to buy a license to hunt, just like we have to be saved by the blood of Christ in order to get to heaven.  Also, hunters will spend time scouting before season, maybe planting things such as clover or rye for deer to eat, and other things while waiting for season.  When someone becomes a child of God, the work begins for them as well.  As Christians we have to spend time working before Christ returns, we need to be spending time telling others about Christ.  We need to be sharing the gospel, serving others, and encouraging others.  A Christian is not to just warm a pew on Sunday morning, Christ wants to be more involved in your life than that.  We need to be active in the local church, active in doing our best to follow God’s will and build His kingdom.  Christ will call the church away soon, there is no time to waste.  Christians have to be working for God more than ever before because all lives matter to the Maker.  Our Creator Loves us and wants us to be with Him in heaven, and for all eternity.  He does not want anyone to go to hell, that is why He sent Jesus to save us, and why He sends us, His followers to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ’s victory over death, hell, and the grave.  He has been merciful and patient thus far, but there will come a day of judgement, and we need to be sharing the gospel with others so that they too may believe in Christ and escape that judgement.  “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”  2 Peter 3:9.  God Bless!