
Light of Life


"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; a light has dawned on those living in the land of darkness." Isaiah 9:2.  Jesus is the light of the world.  Without Him, we would all be stumbling around in the darkness of our own sin.  Yet the light of Christ illuminates every dark thought or deed that we ever had or done.  Even our best deeds are as filthy rags, our sin deserves punishment in hell.  Jesus knew our faults, that is why He came.  He came to earth, He put His light on display for all to see, He [...]

Light of Life2020-12-07T01:18:27+00:00

Joy of Christmas, Joy of the Lord


"As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy."  Luke 1:44.  This has always been one of my favorite verses in Luke chapter 1.  I believe that the baby in her womb truly leaped for joy when he heard the voice of Mary and that it was not just an ordinary kick from the child.  How could it have been just a normal kick, Elizabeth was already six months pregnant, she would have known a normal kick from a leap.  The joy of John the Baptist is what I believe should [...]

Joy of Christmas, Joy of the Lord2020-12-06T03:36:48+00:00

Christmas Timing


"In the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee," Luke 1:26.  God sent Gabriel to Mary during Elizabeth's sixth month of pregnancy.  He didn't send Gabriel in Elizabeth's fifth month, or the seventh, but during the sixth.  This detail does not appear to add much to the record, but God still included it.  Elizabeth had went into seclusion for five months while pregnant, and Mary came to her during her sixth month.  Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months.  God included these details for a reason.  The specific reason I do not [...]

Christmas Timing2020-12-04T03:53:11+00:00

December 1st


"Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made." John 1:3.  Jesus was with God in the beginning, He was there when everything was created.  He took part in creating mankind.  He was there creating life.  As we move into the Christmas season, the most important thing to remember is that Jesus is the greatest gift that has ever been given.  Jesus was with God creating life in the beginning, and when He came to live in human flesh, He was coming to give life again. We have all sinned, we have all broken God's [...]

December 1st2020-12-02T02:06:14+00:00

Christmas celebrations


Dad and I were coming back from hunting this evening, and there was a house about five minutes from ours that already had a Christmas tree up.  Some may say that it is too early to celebrate Christmas, but for the Christian, Christmas is more than a once a year celebration.  We can wake up everyday and praise God that Christ came.  God gave us the greatest gift that mankind could receive when He gave His Son for us.  This wasn't just a one time gift either, this gift keeps giving.  In Christ we have forgiveness, eternal life, and we are [...]

Christmas celebrations2020-11-08T03:26:05+00:00
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