Following His lead



"One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the LORD your God, he it is that fights for you, as he has promised you."  Joshua 23:10.  This verse make me remember when Christ said that, and I'm paraphrasing, "with God all things are possible".  Without God we cannot accomplish anything, it is by His great grace and Love for us that we can do anything.  With God, there is nothing that can stop us.  God Loves us, and no scheme of man nor scheme of the devil can stand in the way of what God has promised to do.  We [...]


The Straight and Narrow


"But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."  Matthew 7:14.  There are times that it can be difficult to walk the straight and narrow path.  There are days of trial, temptation, and there will be days of grief.  Some days walking the straight and narrow path feels more like walking across a tightrope.  Yet, no matter what comes our way, as long as we keep our eyes fixed on Christ, we will come out okay.  When we focus on ourselves or our surroundings we fall, just as Peter did when [...]

The Straight and Narrow2020-07-30T01:44:43+00:00

He guides me


"He refreshes my soul.  He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake."  Psalm 23:3.  The Bible is full of references where it talks about God's guidance.  God wants to comfort us and reassure us that He will be with us.  He will guide us in the way that is true and the way that He desires for us to travel.  He Loves us, and His plans are good for us.  He wants us to grow in Him and to grow closer to Him everyday.  He wants us to be able to follow His lead in how we walk [...]

He guides me2020-07-27T02:06:41+00:00

Keeping Focus


Sometimes it can be easy to lose focus.  Whether you're tired, or if you're hungry.  It can be easy to lose focus when there are thousand different things going on around you, but whatever the case may be, we have to do our best to stay focused.  God has given us a job to do.  We are to pray continually.  We are to seek to give Him glory in all things, and we need to meditate on His Word.  Even when we aren't reading and studying in His Word, we need to be thinking on His Word.  Paul talks about thinking [...]

Keeping Focus2020-07-22T03:39:26+00:00



When we go fishing, I love to catch or at least attempt to catch crawdads, otherwise known as crawfish.  Tonight I caught a big one for me but I had trouble trying to catch a couple of small ones.  I told Dad, "I am catching one more before we leave."  Well, I didn't, and it got me thinking.  We as humans tend to make promises, but we can't always seem to make good on them.  All of us do it, and it isn't wrong to promise to do your best, or to promise to try to get something done, but to [...]




It is smart to have a savings account.  Trying to save at least part of your money can help for rainy days or for whatever may come.  God wants us to have a savings account in Heaven, sort of.  God wants us to lay up treasures in Heaven.  When we get saved God wants us to begin to live for His will and for His glory.  He wants to be able to reward us as His children for what we have done for Him.  God wants us to love others as we do ourselves and seek to share Christ with all [...]


True Colors


When people get into a tricky situation you typically see their true colors.  You begin to see them for who they are.  As Christians, when we get into a tricky situation our colors should not change.  When people see us when we are facing a trial, they should see that we remain steadfast in Christ.  We should continue to let the light of Christ shine through us, and let His Love flow through us.  It says that we are to be, "rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."  Colossians 2:7.  [...]

True Colors2020-07-14T03:01:59+00:00

Welcome Home


I like to listen to songs that thank veterans or various military songs on occasion.  I found one this past 4th of July that was called "Welcome Home" the person that posted was unable to find the author of the song nor did the person know the official title.  It was an absolutely beautiful song.  I don't know if I'm allowed to do this, but the following is the chorus of that song, "Welcome home, Welcome home, it's good to have you back where you belong You fought hard for this land you love and I thank you for all of [...]

Welcome Home2020-07-11T02:04:31+00:00



"Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness."  Acts 4:29.  In this chapter Peter and John were in trouble over preaching the name of Christ.  When they got back to their fellow believers they started praying with them.  This was part of that prayer.  This should also be part of our prayer today.  We need the Armor of God as our defense, and we need boldness from God as our offense along with the sword of the spirit.  We have to be reaching out and proclaiming Christ.  There will be many times that [...]




Last night there was a blood moon.  It was not a normal blood moon as we have had in the last year or so, as the red was lighter, and there was a sliver of another color, it was white or gray if I recall correctly.  In the Old Testament, and probably still today, blood moons are not considered good by the Jewish people.  They were treated as warnings from God concerning a coming judgement.  The Bible says that God does not change, so it would make sense that God was warning America and the other places that the blood moon [...]

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