


There are two ways that we can be overwhelmed, we can be glad or burdened.  There are times we feel overwhelmed with whatever we may be dealing with which many experience.  Then there are those times we are overwhelmed by God's blessing.  I want to share with you an experience of the latter of the two.  As you all know I broke my arm a few weeks ago, on top of other things that are more important, that meant I won't be shooting a bow for a while.  Deer season in my area of Virginia starts the first Saturday of October, [...]




"Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous laws."  Psalm 119:164.  How much do you praise God everyday?  How much do you praise Him for His Love, His forgiveness, His mercy, His provision, or as the Psalmist mentions, for His righteous laws?  Often times when we lift our voices to God it is out of desire, and there is nothing wrong with having desires or if we are praying for others, but how often do we praise Him instead of asking for things.  There are so many things to pray for, but there are also many things, more things [...]


Keeping Focus


Sometimes it can be easy to lose focus.  Whether you're tired, or if you're hungry.  It can be easy to lose focus when there are thousand different things going on around you, but whatever the case may be, we have to do our best to stay focused.  God has given us a job to do.  We are to pray continually.  We are to seek to give Him glory in all things, and we need to meditate on His Word.  Even when we aren't reading and studying in His Word, we need to be thinking on His Word.  Paul talks about thinking [...]

Keeping Focus2020-07-22T03:39:26+00:00

The Seas


"The seas have lifted up, LORD, the seas have lifted up their voice; the seas have lifted up their pounding waves."  Psalm 93:3.  I heard someone say or read something a while back that said, "The river is music to those who listen."  To hear the running water of a river, or to stand back and take in the beautiful sounds of the ocean's waves is an awesome experience.  These sounds are of God's creation praising Him.  To listen to the wind blow through the woods is also beautiful.  God's creation praises Him, and not only by sound, but all of [...]

The Seas2020-07-03T02:12:57+00:00
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