“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather serve one another humbly in love.” Galatians 5:13. When Christ saves us, we receive forgiveness of our sins. We are freed from the bondage of sin. With this freedom, we are to serve Christ and love our neighbor. We are not to use our freedom to run back and do the things we used to do before Christ saved us. The old sinful person is dead and gone, we do not need to try to dig him up and resuscitate him. We need to do our best to live according to the statutes that Christ gave us. In Christ we have freedom from sin, and it should be our joy to share that freedom with others so that they too may experience it. In sin, our righteousness, our good deeds, they are as filthy rags, but in Christ, our good deeds can bring more glory to God. In sin, we can be tossed here and there chasing whatever it may be to try to fill the void inside us, but in Christ, that void is filled. That hole inside of us was meant to be occupied by the Holy Spirit of God, to guide us and give us peace as we follow the path God has for us. That is another freedom we have in God, instead of having to always serve the addiction of sin that will destroy us, we can enjoy serving the Father, and in Christ we will get to be with Him in heaven. Jesus does not give as the world gives, the world gives things that will destroy, but Christ gives life abundant and He will be with us at all times. Use your freedom, use the life Christ has given you to share the gospel with others. God Bless!