When it comes to temptation, God always gives us a way to escape. Even as far back as the Garden of Eden. God even gave Cain a warning before he murdered his brother. God said, “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis 4:7 NIV. God was giving Cain a warning. God desired that Cain would rule over sin, but just the opposite happened. Cain fell for the temptation. Instead of ruling over sin, he let his pride consume him. God gave Cain due warning, this was Cain’s way to escape, but he made the choice to let sin in. God was there, God did not leave Cain alone to his own devices while facing temptation. God was there, and He was trying to help Cain, but Cain refused. As Christians, when we face temptation we have to be like Christ and rely on God’s Word, not like Cain who refused to heed the Word of the Lord. God will make a way for escape, and you have to accept it. You have to take that route as soon as it is available, or else you risk putting yourself in jeopardy. If God can deliver us from our sin, He can deliver us from the temptation to sin, but we have to trust in Him and not ourselves. We can and will fail, but God will never fail, and as long as we follow His way of escape to its full extent He will deliver us from any temptation that comes our way. God Bless!