“He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters.”  Psalm 23:2 NIV.  God will give us what we need, when we are stressed He will give us peace.  His strength is made perfect in our weakness.  He gives us grace that is sufficient for us to endure whatever may come our way.  When God leads us to those green pastures, He never promised that the path would be easy.  He promised that He would lead us and always be with us.  When he leads us beside those quiet waters, the banks may be rocky and steep on occasion, but He will get us to where He needs us to be.  He will not leave us to our own devices.  I was having a conversation one day with a preacher/missionary (he was a man of God that had served as a preacher and pastor at times in the U.S. as well as a missionary over seas), and we were talking about sheep.  He said that he had thought about getting some sheep, and that while he was overseas for a period he got to talk to some local shepherds.  These shepherds told him that if he got sheep, that he should not get just one, but that he needed to get at least two because when a sheep is separated from the other sheep for a long time, it will die.  This is why God does not leave us alone.  Before a person accepts Christ, they have a hole deep inside and without Christ they will die in their sins.  Yet, if a person accepts Christ, they will never be alone, Christ will send the Holy Spirit to fill that void inside.  They will find eternal life in Christ.  Jesus is the Good Shepherd who loves His sheep, He cares for us and He will always be with us.  God will give us what we need, and that may mean we have to rely on His sufficient grace rather than receiving what we want.  Yet even in that, we still have reason to glorify and praise our Heavenly Father.  We do not deserve His grace, we do not deserve His Love or Leadership, but He gives it anyway.  God Bless!