“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; a light has dawned on those living in the land of darkness.” Isaiah 9:2.  Jesus is the light of the world.  Without Him, we would all be stumbling around in the darkness of our own sin.  Yet the light of Christ illuminates every dark thought or deed that we ever had or done.  Even our best deeds are as filthy rags, our sin deserves punishment in hell.  Jesus knew our faults, that is why He came.  He came to earth, He put His light on display for all to see, He lived a sinless life and then died in our place.  He rose again on the third day so that we could have forgiveness and eternal life in Him.  Because of His Blood, those who accept Christ are cleansed from all unrighteousness.  There is no darkness in them before God, we will still fail, but it will be washed from us.  When we accept Christ, He will give us the light of life, and we can shine that light so that others will see the greatness of the Gift of God.  We are to use our light for His glory, because it is He who gave it to us.  We did not do anything to earn it, we just received it, otherwise it would no longer be a gift.  If you would like to receive God’s forgiveness and guarantee a place in heaven, it is so easy.  Confess that Jesus is Lord, ask God to save you, to forgive your sins, and simply believe in your heart that God raised Jesus up from the dead.  There are no works that you have to do or anything like that, you are just receiving a gift that God prepared for you.  God Bless!