“For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:8 NIV. I want to give a praise report tonight. In the past two days I’ve had some amazing things go on for me. Yesterday, I got to shoot a bow for the first time in three months. Granted, the bow was a light draw weight, but, it was still great to be able to shoot again for the first time in what felt like ages. I am thankful for how far God has brought my healing thus far. Then this morning I received an email. I received a message November ninth concerning filling out an application for a bow company. The night I got the application, I prayed before I ever filled it out. I asked God that if He did not want me to fill it out that He would put something in there that I just couldn’t fulfill or could not answer. When I went to fill the application out, almost every question was something I could use to talk about GOD’s Archers. I turned in the application the same night I received it, this again was November ninth. I have been praying often about the application, asking God that if it was His will, that I would get in with the company, and not just that, but that certain things would be included in the staff position. Then today, I got an email from a representative of the company. I was accepted as staff, and not only that, but God worked it out so that I got the position I had been praying for. I always pray about these applications, but there have been two specific times where I have asked God to put me on a certain level of staff, and He has come through. The other company I applied for, I would not have been able to afford to have shot for them if God had not provided the position He did. I say absolutely none of this to brag on myself, I want to brag on God for what He has done. I have seen Him move in many ways during my life, and I am thankful for every one of them. I don’t get on every staff that I apply for, I remember that I got rejected my first time applying for an archery company. Yet, I would not exchange the company God provided me a position with for the company that did not take me. This is not because of a grudge or anything, but because God has more in store for me with the company He provided. God will always provide what we need, it may not be what we expect but it will be what we need. When we ask Him for something, according to His will, He hears us. When we ask, we will receive, we may not receive what we planned on, but God will give us what He wants us to have in order for us to grow in Him. God Bless!