It can be enjoyable to hear a play on words that is fairly humorous, and it can be enjoyable to hear one that is thought provoking. I’m not saying for certain that God used a play on words, but one might call it that. In Psalm 23 God inspired David to write the following verse, “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” Psalm 23:5. When we hear the phrases, “house of the Lord” or, “God’s house” we often think of a church house. We may think of the tabernacle that the children of Israel built and carried with them in the wilderness, or even the temple that Solomon built. Yet, I think this verse goes a bit farther, even to the extent of being prophetic. For those who have accepted Christ, when we die, we will literally get to dwell in the house of the Lord, for it is the house the Lord has made. Jesus said that He would go and prepare a place for us. Jesus also said that in His Father’s house are many mansions, which some Jewish texts record that Jesus said that in His Father’s house are many rooms. So when we die, we will be in God’s house. We will get to dwell with God forever, and, there will be no sorrow and no pain. Surely, it is God’s goodness, His mercy, and His Love that will follow us all the days of our lives in heaven and when Christ sets up His new Kingdom on earth. As Christians we long for, we yearn for the valuable time we get to spend in God’s house with His people, we anticipate the chance to fellowship with our brothers and sisters. How much more will our joy be multiplied when we are in God’s house that Jesus has prepared for us. That old song comes to mind, “What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see, when I look upon His face, the One who saved my be His grace, when He takes me by the hand, and leads me through the promised land, what a day, glorious day, that will be”. The church I got saved at used to sing that song all the time. We’re not able to go there often because of how far it is, but the joy that is in that church is remarkable. That church is one that I always long to go to because it is home away from my eternal home. It truly is the Lord’s house, and the people there make you feel like family, because we are family, in Christ. It is such a wonderful place, and it is hard for me to describe the joy I have during the fellowship and singing at that church. I know that even at that church, the feeling of joy I have does not come close to the joy I will feel in heaven. The love felt there could not compare either, although it almost seems like it. Heaven will be a wonderful place, and I long to see the House of the Lord, the one prepared for me and for you by the Carpenter with holes in His hands. God Bless!