When we go fishing, I love to catch or at least attempt to catch crawdads, otherwise known as crawfish. Tonight I caught a big one for me but I had trouble trying to catch a couple of small ones. I told Dad, “I am catching one more before we leave.” Well, I didn’t, and it got me thinking. We as humans tend to make promises, but we can’t always seem to make good on them. All of us do it, and it isn’t wrong to promise to do your best, or to promise to try to get something done, but to promise a friend that you will do something can be another story. There may be some event or series of events that prohibit you from making good on that promise. As Christians, we cannot afford to make promises that we can’t keep. This is not to make ourselves look like we are perfect, rather, how can we share the Love and Truth of Christ to others when we do not appear to be truthful to those who do not know Christ. This is something we have to work on. Many Christians, myself included, want to be able to promise somebody something and to make good on it, but if we break that promise, then there is a break of trust. Whether it was unintentional or not, people will trust us less if we break our promise. As Christ’s representatives we cannot allow that to happen as God has never broken His promises to us. He has never left us or forsaken us. He never stopped loving us. He still forgives, He still heals. He still cares for us and He still has us carved in the palm of His hands. He hasn’t broken a promise to us, and likewise we cannot break our promises to others. “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it.” Numbers 23:19. God Bless!