“But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”  Matthew 7:14.  There are times that it can be difficult to walk the straight and narrow path.  There are days of trial, temptation, and there will be days of grief.  Some days walking the straight and narrow path feels more like walking across a tightrope.  Yet, no matter what comes our way, as long as we keep our eyes fixed on Christ, we will come out okay.  When we focus on ourselves or our surroundings we fall, just as Peter did when he was on the water walking toward Christ, but if we will keep our eyes fixed on the Lord, then we will have nothing to fear.  Jesus is our Rock and our Salvation.  It says in Psalm 23 that we don’t have to “fear the valley of the shadow of death, for you are with me,”  We don’t have to fear death or even its shadow because Jesus defeated it.  Jesus conquered the grave for us.  Because of that we can live for Him.  We can know that He is always holding onto us and as long as we focus on Him, we will not fall.  Now we will mess up, nobody is perfect, but we have to give it all we have to remain focused on Christ, and He will help us achieve the victory.  God Bless!