“You who fear him, trust in the LORD-he is their help and shield.” Psalm 115:11.  When we are in trouble, we do not have to rely on ourselves.  When we face a trial, we are not alone.  In temptation we have someone Who can help us.  As God’s child you do not need to fear.  Trust in the Lord, He is your shield.  He is your Helper, and more than that He is your Guide, your King, and your Father.  He will give you what you need to face the day and to walk the path set before you.  He will help you to put on the Armor that He has forged for you, it will not be too big, or too small, it will grow with your faith.  God has great plans and great goals for you to fulfill so that Jesus can personally reward you in Heaven.  The moments when Satan sends fear are the moments that God wants you to trust Him most.  Satan wants to keep you away from all that God wants to bring you to, you cannot let Satan have the victory.  God will give you the grace to stand firm for Him, and in that moment you may well be planting a seed in the life of someone else for God’s glory.  Stay Strong and do not fear, for God is with you.  God Bless!