God’s Design



I saw where someone had written in a notebook, "God's still writing your story, stop trying to steal the pen, trust the author."  So often we have everything planned out, we know exactly what we are going to do, or so we think.  Often times we count our chickens before they hatch, or in other words, we make plans too far ahead of schedule.  We try to take the pen from the One who is writing our story.  God knows what He is doing.  He has a plan for our lives and He wants us to trust Him.  He wants us [...]




In many places around the country archery deer season has opened up, however, in Virginia, archery deer season opens tomorrow morning.  I cannot wait to get up in the morning and get out in the woods.  This past week has been a long one just waiting for season.  As Christians, we wait for when our Savior will call us to be with Him in heaven.  We wait for that day, we watch for that day, and we long for that day.  Yet, we do not have to sit idly by while waiting on the Lord.  We can be doing something.  We [...]




"And he said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath" Mark 2:27.  God made the Sabbath for us to rest.  God knows that we need rest.  We are to work heartily as for the Lord, but at the same time we have to take care of the body God gave us.  God knows that our bodies need rest, and at the same time He knows that our souls need rest.  God made the Sabbath for our souls to be refreshed in Him.  What happens when you go to church?  Your Spirit finds rest, it finds [...]


Gone with the Wind


"Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away." Psalm 1:4.  In sin we looked for that thing that will fill that void inside of us.  We would try this or that, and it would be pleasing for the moment but it would not fill the void.  Nothing seemed to ever be enough, and no combination of things ever added up to the right amount to cure the problem.  We chased after different things to satisfy, but it was like we were being blown around by the wind with nothing to hold onto, no foundation to steady [...]

Gone with the Wind2020-09-29T02:49:47+00:00

Catching one’s eye


I have been going through the book of Second Samuel lately and tonight I was reading in chapter twelve which talks about David and Bathsheba.  There was part of a verse in this chapter that I hadn't caught before.  After Nathan gave David the illustration of the man with many lambs taking from the man who only had one lamb, Nathan quoted the Lord saying, "Now, therefore, the sword will never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own." 2 Samuel 12:10.  The sword, or weapon of war, would [...]

Catching one’s eye2020-09-28T03:33:25+00:00

Family in Christ


"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." Proverbs 27:17.  As Christians we need to make sure we are shining a light for those who haven't accepted Christ, we also need to make sure that we are there to sharpen other Christians.  We need to be there to encourage other brothers and sisters in Christ.  We need to be there to pray for them, and often times to hold each other accountable.  The more Christians work together, and are there for one another the better that God will be glorified.  I am so thankful to have people in my [...]

Family in Christ2020-09-18T03:28:52+00:00



I understand that the topic of election/predestination is a very touchy subject.  I understand that there are several different view points, and I respect that, all I ask is that you hear me out.  I believe that the grace of God is free to all who will come to God and ask Him for forgiveness through the blood of Christ.  Here are a few reasons why.  First, God told Abraham, "and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me." Genesis 22:18.  I take this to mean that all people from all nations will be [...]


God’s warnings


When it comes to temptation, God always gives us a way to escape.  Even as far back as the Garden of Eden.  God even gave Cain a warning before he murdered his brother.  God said, "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?  But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it." Genesis 4:7 NIV.  God was giving Cain a warning.  God desired that Cain would rule over sin, but just the opposite happened.  Cain fell for the temptation.  Instead of [...]

God’s warnings2020-09-12T02:53:33+00:00

Keeping Focus


Sometimes it can be easy to lose focus.  Whether you're tired, or if you're hungry.  It can be easy to lose focus when there are thousand different things going on around you, but whatever the case may be, we have to do our best to stay focused.  God has given us a job to do.  We are to pray continually.  We are to seek to give Him glory in all things, and we need to meditate on His Word.  Even when we aren't reading and studying in His Word, we need to be thinking on His Word.  Paul talks about thinking [...]

Keeping Focus2020-07-22T03:39:26+00:00



All lives matter, you can call me racist if you want but all lives matter.  Red, yellow, black, white, all matter, and all are precious to God.  There is one particular group of individuals that do, however, need to be spoken for more.  Many people advocate for their lives, but not enough are taking a real stand.  Babies lives matter.  There have been millions upon millions of babies killed because of abortion, not counting those killed because of abuse or other circumstances.  There are those among us, and I will not name names as they know who they are, that believe [...]

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